biv·ou·ac: /bivoo ak/ (noun):
a temporary encampment
biv·wak: /biv whack/ (verb):
a camping experience done for you


We handle the setup, tear down, cleanup, and reservations. All you have to do is drive to the camp site! 


At Bivwak, we know how easy it is to get so tied into our professional lives and urban environments, that we forget the power of spending time in the great outdoors. 

Mother Nature helps us create really formative memories- but sometimes our professional lives cause us to deny our kids- and ourselves- those experiences.

Even when we do finally prioritize getting out in nature, it’s so easy for the trip to be ruined

Whether it’s a bad spot,

Forgetting that one critical item on the packing list,

Or simply the stress of trying to prepare and pack for 4 people.

Booking with Bivwak guarantees ease.

No long packing lists.

No packing/unloading the car with equipment.

No worrying about cleanup or teardown on Sunday morning. 

Just you, your loved ones,
and the great outdoors.

How It Works


Book Your Experience

We handle the rest- just bring food.

Make Memories

Enjoy your time outdoors with your loved ones

Leave The Mess

We handle clean-up and tear down for you!


No matter what is keeping you from camping, we can help!


No Time

I don’t have time/energy to prepare & pack for camping


No Reservations

I don’t have reservations for a camping spot

No Equipment

I am traveling and/or don’t have equipment for camping


I don’t even know
if I like camping yet